Lindsay Hattrick

Editorial Designer
Brooklyn, NY

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Lindsay Hattrick

Editorial Designer
Brooklyn, NY



Look over here, circle circle dot dot"

"Look over here, circle circle dot dot" is a collaborative publication created between Lauren Thorson's Interaction 2 class from VCU and Jasio Stefanski's Form and Methods from MCAD. The publication centers around the topic "post-digital" and how to define a post-digital age. The content of the publication was generated collaboratively utilizing Google Hangout.

The publication is organized into sections and subsections. The two classes were split into groups and were responsible for a section & each person a subsection. My group consisting of Megan Maloney (VCU), Amruta Buge (MCAD), and Shoua Thao (MCAD) chose to explore the topic of Internet Identity.

I explored the topic of my own personal internet identity. I have spent the last 10 years of my life connected to the internet and after reading Krystal South's Identify Yourself and hearing Ryder Ripps' Internet Therapy I felt I am not alone in feeling that the Internet is not a separate entity in life.

I began retracing my internet steps and found that many of my past accounts have been deleted due to websites changing. Many of my past accounts live on as screenshots saved in Photobucket accounts and as a page of account information written in my diary.

For these past 10 years of my life I have kept a handwritten diary that I have mostly kept up with, and here I catalog every mention of the Internet in that diary.

Publication specs:
70 pages
Spiral bound
French fold
Risograph printed
8" x 11"

My Spreads